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Our Story

Bitcoin and the technology behind it, Blockchain, were developed in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, who is as yet, an unidentified individual or group. This was just months after the global financial crisis. The promise of Bitcoin is its freedom from the government stimulated inflation, and banking sector negligence and corruption that led to this crisis. Bitcoin is a liberator, bringing financial equity to the masses, and particularly those in developing countries with poorly developed banking infrastructures and economies with high inflation rates. But a global community of advocates and users is strongest when they act in unison. If they need Blockchain and Decentralised Finance to become financially secure, they will also need reliable access to the industry data that drives it. The dissemination of information to support the people is, therefore, crucial if we are to bring about a new democratised financial system.

We firmly believe Blockchain technology, Decentralised Finance (DeFi) and the Crypto revolution are forces for good and we advocate for their adoption in every aspect of our global economy.

To this end, we have developed this website to do the following:


Break down a complex subject to its simpler components for easy digestion by the masses. It is in everyone’s interest to increase adoption. It is particularly important to guide a growing movement towards the correct uses of, and safer methodologies in, the technology.


Bring together the thoughts and opinions of the leaders of our industry to one easily accessible location. Top news stories, blogs, videos, social commentary and podcasts from around the world, together in one place.


Provide live currency prices, descriptions, charts and analysis as well as exchange rates and portals for those who wish to invest.


Provide a platform for enthusiasts to debate and discuss the ideas and nuances of the technology. Debate is the backbone of any revolution. And, we hope you voice your opinions in our forums. Right or wrong, you’ll be all the wiser for it.

Become a Contributor

This site is very much a labour of love. We hope that more will join us in providing content in the form of reviews, tutorials, technical analysis, and knowledge to our community and forums. If you have a deep understanding of, and a passion for Crypto, DeFi and Blockchain, please reach out to us. Join our team of voluntary contributors.

Play Your Part

Otherwise, if you have any ideas or suggestions for improving our site, let us know. Do you want to see a certain wallet reviewed? Have you found a bug? Let us know.

And please, above all, share our pages, reviews, tutorials and forums with your friends and family. Bring them into our community. Bring them into the future of finance. As financial inequality grows globally, it’s time humanity took its next leap forward.

Contact us here.

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